A statement about the worst man I have ever met

Cedric’s Correct Opinions
2 min readJan 24, 2024

The following is a statement from me, Cedric Richards. This is 100% my own words and that of nobody else’s.

I logged on to the London Free Press website yesterday afternoon and found a shocking headline, right on the home page. The picture was of the worst man I have ever met, with that arrogant smile. He took a selfie in a Windsor hospital, with a dying man in the background. He was called out on his bullshit online by a local woman with regards to his attempt to disrupt and protest Drag Queen Storytime, so he decided to resort to intimidation and take a selfie with the woman’s dying father. This week, he pled guilty to criminal harassment.

All my reaction to this? God, what a piece of shit. The nerve of this motherfucker and everyone who hangs around with him. I was seething with anger when I heard about what happened above in Windsor.

To those who have known me for at least the last two years, you may be aware of the rhetoric and the names he called me. I had no choice but to join a fight against him and his enablers. Since then, numerous people have confided in me that this bullshit with him has been going on for years and years. Then what happened in Windsor put me beside myself. What do you do about someone who has perennially been this way?

When it comes to bigots like Bubba Pollock and how they are trying to make life hell and unsafe for trans and queer people, and racialized people, let me say one thing. There’s a lot of people who stand together in opposition to Bubba and his enablers. There’s more of us than there are of him.

Kiss my Black ass. You’re gonna have to go through me too.

